Printable Resources

What is
Fair Trade?

An in-depth printable flyer which provides an overview of what it means to be Fair Trade.

Fair Trade

A series of resources on the World Fair Trade Organisation's Ten Principles of Fair Trade.

Fair Trade

A selection of posters promoting the Fair Trade Movement available for multipurpose use. 

Fair Trade

A series of bookmarks promoting the Fair Trade Movement available for download and print.

Business Resources

Fair Trade
in Your Business

Implementing Principle 6: Gender Equity and Non-Discrimination

Example Policy & Strategy documents you can use to implement Principle 6 in your business.

School Resources

A Journey into Fair Trade

A powerpoint presentation that follows Aroha as she learns what trade is, where the ingredients in her chocolate bar come from and what she can do to help make trade fair.

All About Coffee

This pack contains an introduction into coffee trade followed by detailed lesson plans and student resources.

Teacher Notes

Student Resources

All About Cocoa

This pack contains an introduction into the cocoa trade followed by detailed lesson plans and student resources.

Teacher Notes

Student Resources

All About Bananas

An interactive unit exploring the banana industry ending in a student investigation into their local banana market.

Teacher Notes

Student Resources

Faith Group Resources

Advent Worship Resources 2022

The Fair Trade Association Faith Groups working group has prepared some
resources for personal reflection or corporate worship based on the Revised Common Lectionary readings for the Sundays of Advent, Year A 2022.

World Fair Trade Day
Worship Resources

‘Build Back Fairer’ is the WFTO theme for World Fair Trade Day on 8th May of 2021. These resources provide Faith Groups with materials to support World Fair Trade Day.

Bible Study:
10 Principles of Fair Trade

This bible study guide is designed for followers of Jesus Christ to learn more about the Fair Trade movement and how the 10 Principles link with biblical truths and values. 

Nine Ideas for World Fair Trade Day 2024

Principle Nine is all about advocacy -  not promoting your product or business but advocating for the Fair Trade system as a better and more equitable way to ‘do trade’ generally.

Lent Worship Resources 2024

The Fair Trade Association Faith Groups working group has prepared some resources for personal reflection or corporate worship based on the Revised Common Lectionary readings for the Sundays of Lent, Year A 2024

Lent Worship Resources 2023

The Fair Trade Association Faith Groups working group has prepared some resources for personal reflection or corporate worship based on the Revised Common Lectionary readings for the Sundays of Lent, Year A 2023

Lent Worship Resources 2022

This is a series of brief reflections as we look at the Sunday readings for Lent with Fair Trade eyes. These Resources are based on the Revised Common Lectionary for Year C, used by many Churches around the world. 

Fair Trade Themed Prayers 

This is a series of Fair Trade Themed prayers for your use. 

Lent Worship Resources 2021

This is a series of brief reflections as we look at the Sunday readings for Lent. For each Sunday there is a brief reflection, a prayer which may be incorporated in Sunday worship and other resources in the form of videos or links.

Want to find out more?

Check out the WFTO site for more information and resources on fair trade. 
Go to the WFTO site

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